Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Shitty Day

The above GIF perfectly sums up how I'm feeling right now. Yes, I'm mad bro. In fact I'm pretty agitated. 
I wasn't going to go to the gym today, but decided to anyway...so as I'm leaving a car is pulling out, I let her go and begin to pull forward. Then another car starts pulling out...right into where I am. Had he backed out straight it would have been fine. So I beep, he doesn't stop. Then I myself begin to back up to avoid an accident. He keeps going and backs right into my front end. 
Were you even looking where you were backing out into?!
'Do we exchange information?' he says. Uh, yea, we do. The front right end of my car is now all scratched up, and pushed in so that the hood on that side slightly overhangs the light... So, that'll be fun to deal with and get fixed. Do I go through insurance? Nah, probably not. Will see if he wants to settle outside of insurance. Because he was definitely at fault as I have an eyewitness to reference.
The cherry on top...I go home to grab something, and Cooper pooped on the floor. Fine that's ok I'm used to it. Then I pick it up with toilet paper and throw it in the toilet, and my keys all into the toilet with the poop...so I have to fetch them  out with my bare hands and wash those off...

It's barely 1:30, and the day isn't even half over....hope that's the worst of it. 

***UPDATE 4:30 PM - Fraudulent charges on my debit card ($500)...card is deactivated, have to go to the bank and get a new one***

On the plus side - it looks like I can turn a shitty day into a semi-comical blog post. (These pictures and being able to vent through here made me feel a little a lot better about it) And this book came in for me today.

Random Video of the Day

Stumbled upon this one today. This clip is from Dancing with the Stars this past season (Rumor and Val). It was on Disney night, and I loved how this couple did a villains song. Not only that, but they absolutely crushed it! I love ballroom style dancing; took lessons for a few months, would love to jump into it again.

Song of the Day

Title: John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
Artist: Keith Urban

I call this the '3 John's Song'. Feel good song for a day like today. Always belt out to this one when I'm driving when it comes on the radio, usually on the highway - windows down. Best feeling. Definitely on my list to karaoke.

Quote of the Day

"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself"
-George Bernard Shaw, Irish Playwright

I love this quote. For my High School graduation, my mom made a board  compiled of a bunch of quotes, most about advancing from one part of your life into the next. This has been my favorite. I took that quote off of the board and made a viewing case with that quoted pinned to it, along with any tickets I had saved to that point in my life. This includes Red Sox and Bruins games, trips to Italy and Florida, concert tickets, some even museum tickets I had saved from a trip to Italy, and even my wristband from when I was in the hospital from when I broke my leg. It's important to me because these experiences all played a role in shaping the person I am today.