Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Once Upon a Time 1x01: Pilot

This will be my first of many Once Upon a Time related posts. I will be doing a post per episode, and as they reach their 100th episode this upcoming season, I have a bit of catch up to do. These blog posts will be titled "Once Upon a Time (Season x Episode #) : Episode Title". These posts will also include my opinions, reactions, experiences, etc. based on the episode given. Also I'll throw in a quote of the episode, because there's some really good/inspirational material written in there. While I'm at it why not a photo and/or clip from the episode too.

It's ironic, because I originally had no intention of watching this show. Usually what happens is I see a preview for something and I'm all about it until it airs or is released in theatres such as Pitch Perfect 2, Maleficent, or Think Like a Man 2, whichever. Can't say that I remember ever seeing a trailer for this show, or even hearing about it before the night it aired.

My C6 housemates Kevin and Jimmy, along with our friend Maria are to blame for my obsession with this show. 

It was Sunday October 23rd, 2011; senior year of college. I was up in my room writing a paper - the kind of writing I had nodded to in my first post that I don't enjoy doing, assigned writing. Anyway, I was upstairs writing the paper and I get called down by these three to watch the show with them (bet they wish now that they hadn't done that). I said "it sounds so dumb, I don't want to watch this, I need to write my paper". They told me to sit down with my friends and enjoy a TV night with them and to write my paper while I watch the show.

So the show starts, and we're watching, I'm confused as to who's who, they had to lay it all out during the commercials for me.

Now, the concept after viewing and seeing it play out was awesome to me. All the stories I knew and grew up with mashed together in one plot; I loved it. It's essentially what the Avengers does with super hero's but in Disney form; or movies that have multiple story lines that all come together in the end such as Valentines Day, Think Like a Man, and New Years Eve. And as the series continues more and more characters get added. On top of that, there are two plot lines going on at the same time, present day and flashback.

Quote of the episode: "Mary Margaret: What do you think these stories are for? These stories - the classics. There's a reason we all know them. They're a way for us to deal with our world. A world that doesn't always make sense."

Not only was it those stories put together, but it was also the fact that it was a continuation of these stories, the "What happens after 'The End'?" question is answered, along with giving each of these characters an even more complex background than we originally know them to have. It shows how they became the way they are ("evil isn't born, it's made", not everything is as black and white as we know it, and that there are two or more sides to every story), how different relationships are formed, and I love and hate the fact that basically every character is part of the same family or related in some way shape or form.

What's funny is I'm watching this first episode with my friends thinking it was a movie. So when it had ended. I was flipping out. I said "What!? You can't end a movie like that!" (there was a cliffhanger, as every episode to follow has). They said "Toine...it's a series" I'm like "and..." they replied "so its on again next week..and the week after that..every week.." I was just like "Yes!! This is awesome!"

 I've never followed a show from Pilot to finish before and 5 seasons in I'm still as into it and intrigued as I was from the first day.

So this post didn't go into so much about what the episode was about, the theme, or anything specific like that as other posts will be, but it's more of the story of how I got sucked into it, that experience, and that every episode to follow has a theme that I can relate to, all of these components to the show are why I love it

Joke of the Day

This joke goes out per request of the newlywed Nick. It's one I heard when one of my Aussie cousins was here visiting last week.

A woman goes to the grocery store to do her weekly shopping. This week, she got caught shoplifting. At the hearing the judge asked her what she stole. She said, a can of peaches... When the judge asked her why, she said she was hungry. The judge then asked 'well, how many peaches are in a can?' She said 6. 
The judge says 'Okay, then I will give you 6 days in jail'.
Before the judge could pronounce the punishment, the woman's husband stands and asks to speak on behalf of his wife. The judge grants him permission.

"Her husband says 'your honor, she also stole a can of peas.' 

Intro to My Blog

My name is Anthony (but most friends call me Toine), and this will be my first blog post. Not entirely sure what to write here, so I'll just let it flow.
Once I start writing about specific topics I guess it will be much easier to let my thoughts and opinions out.

Those will come from
  • my random thoughts
  • experiences past and present
    • drawn from
      • timehop
      • the day's events
      • pictures
      • videos
  • friends
  • family
  • articles and current events I come across
  • opinions about
    • tv
    • movies
    • music
    • travel
    • etc
  • YOU - the reader
    • is there something you want to hear about? Let me know!
      • just leave me a comment in any one of my posts
and lastly
  • Once upon a Time
I mean...my blog is titled Once Upon a Toine, would obviously have many posts relating to that show, be that thoughts or reviews on scenes or entire episodes, actors, story line, or many just relating the episodes to my life experiences. One of my best friends just gave me that idea, as a great start and blog idea - going episode by episode and relating it to an experience of mine. I mean, there is a reason this show hits home for me, and this blog will give me a chance to explore that along with many other things. 

As I'm writing all this, I'm realizing I actually do like to write, but on my own terms. I wasn't a fan of writing assignments throughout school; writing because you have to. This is writing because I want to, an opportunity to express myself and write about what I feel like writing about, when I feel like writing it. Probably should have started this blog sooner, seems like a great outlet for me.

Well that should do it for a quick intro. Time to get back to work. Until my next post...
