Thursday, August 6, 2015

Random Video of the Day


's'not funneee

Saw red ink covered paper towels in the trash today and I thought it looked like blood, and so I was reminded of this.

There's not much more to say about this one.

Dating: The Safari Zone

Dating : The Safari Zone

So if you played Pokemon growing up, you will completely understand this analogy. Getting a date is very much like trying to catch a Pokemon in the Safari Zone. You search and search for one that you actually want, then when you finally find it you have to be very careful about your approach. You can BAIT (compliment & chat up) your prospect, but do too much of this and they flee. You can throw a ROCK (flirt, make a {flirtatious} joke, or 'make a move'), but be careful of this one as they could get angry and flee. You have the SAFARI BALLs, which are your opportunities to pop the question of going out. Be careful with this as you don't want to ask too early on or too frequently because then they flee. In the game you have to execute the right combination of the above in order to succeed, or sometimes you just get very lucky. You always have the opportunity to RUN, but you only really want to do that when you come across a prospect that you aren't interested in.
So there you have it, the Safari Zone as a real life application. Now, if only I could heed my own advice...

Song of the Day

Title: Macarena
Artist: Los Del Rio

Song of the day because 
  1. It was playing while I was at the gym was pretty awesome
  2. Everybody loves the Macarena

And for anyone who ever wondered what the actual words are in the song, or what it even means, see the lyrics and translation below.
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa’ darle alegría y cosas buenas
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena
¡Eh,… Macarena! Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
Macarena tiene un novio que se llama,
que se llama de apellido Vitorino,
y en la jura de bandera del muchacho
se la dió con dos amigos…Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
Macarena Macarena Macarena
que te gustan los veranos de Marbella
Macarena Macarena Macarena
que te gusta la movida guerrillera…Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
Macarena sueña con el Corte Inglés
y se compra los modelos más modernos.
Le gustaría vivir en Nueva York
y ligar un novio nuevo…Aaay!
(repetir una vez)


Give happiness to your body Macarena
'cause your body is for giving happiness and nice things to
Give happiness to your body Macarena
Heeey,... Macarena! Aaay!
(repeat once)

Macarena has a boyfriened who's called...
who's called the last name Vitorino,
and while he was taking his oath as a conscript
she was giving it to two friends ...Aaay!
(repeat once)

Macarena , Macarena , Macarena
you're popular the summers in Marbella
Macarena , Macarena , Macarena
you like the guerilla excesses ...Aaay!
(repeat once)

Macarena dreams of the English Tailor*
and buys the latest models
She would like living in New York
and seduce a new boyfriend... Aaay!
(repeat once)

Taken from

Caption That!

Time for another Caption That! Caption the above GIF in the comments section below.
