Thursday, August 6, 2015

Dating: The Safari Zone

Dating : The Safari Zone

So if you played Pokemon growing up, you will completely understand this analogy. Getting a date is very much like trying to catch a Pokemon in the Safari Zone. You search and search for one that you actually want, then when you finally find it you have to be very careful about your approach. You can BAIT (compliment & chat up) your prospect, but do too much of this and they flee. You can throw a ROCK (flirt, make a {flirtatious} joke, or 'make a move'), but be careful of this one as they could get angry and flee. You have the SAFARI BALLs, which are your opportunities to pop the question of going out. Be careful with this as you don't want to ask too early on or too frequently because then they flee. In the game you have to execute the right combination of the above in order to succeed, or sometimes you just get very lucky. You always have the opportunity to RUN, but you only really want to do that when you come across a prospect that you aren't interested in.
So there you have it, the Safari Zone as a real life application. Now, if only I could heed my own advice...

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