Friday, August 21, 2015

Quote of the Day

"Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday"
-Dale Carnegie, American self-help writer

Which makes yesterday the tomorrow you were worried about two days ago, and you made it through it. Everyone is always worried about what's going to happen tomorrow, and spend too much of 'today' worrying about it. Then you get there and it's just like 'what was I so worried about, that was nothing'. As easy as it is to say don't worry about these things and just live for today, sometimes you can't help it, but can not focus on it so much. I think I'm most guilty of that, often times not living in the moment and always looking to what's next whether it's tomorrow or next week or next year; a trip, a meal, an outing. As the quote says, everything you worry about or think about eventually becomes yesterday.

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