This is hands down one of the greatest videos I have ever seen. Most of you will think #'s 1-151 are funny, because you know the original names. The generation 2 & 3 ones are also funny if you happen to know the names like I do. Even if you don't know any of the names, the ones that they come up with will still make you laugh.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Song of the Day
Title: Could It Be You
Artist: H*Wood
I don't remember when the first time I heard this song was, but I loved it because of all the references. The first video is the first video I saw of it, which is what made me like it more, a mash up of different music videos that sync up (lyric and dance-wise) with the part of the song that is playing. The second is the 'official' music video, withe the full length version of the song.
Quote of the Day
"Endurance is once of our greatest survival skills"
-Yolanda Lopez, American Artist
Endurance is more than just a survival skill. It's perseverance, persistence, and motivation. It's a key to being successful. There are always points in life when you think you can't keep going. But endure until you finish or accomplish that goal. It can be as simple as running a race. You're nearly done, but may be tired or in pain, endurance is the 'don't give up' and pushing yourself to finish.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Song of the Day
Title: Just Not Today
Artist: Kenny Chesney
So given Country Fest is this weekend I figure why not a Kenny song. I remember when I first heard this song, it resonated so well because it was so relate able. We were in school, not a care in the world, didn't have to grow up just yet, but were just on that brink. Things he mentioned are things maybe we thought of but not much. Now hearing this song, those things he mentions seem a bit more real. We are adults now, with our real jobs. We definitely worry about money more now than before and half joke about being old, and kids/family is always on the back burner. It's funny how hearing it then, and hearing it now how much more true the song becomes. Then it was 'just not today'. Today we wish we could say 'just not today', but truth is, we're all already there. We are grown up.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Random Video of the Day
Just a clip from one of my favorite movies, Norbit. Happy Tuesday :)
Monday, August 24, 2015
I Dream of...Jupiter?
So this weekend I had the most strange but beautiful dream. We took a family vacation, not to Aruba or Punta Cana, but to Jupiter, which I didn't realize where it was until a little after we got there. We arrived, and the airport was in the middle of a jungle like setting (similar to Donkey Kong's Jungle), as seen below. We unboarded on a boardwalk. Something I noticed was breathing was completely normal, but gravity was a little bit different.
Our vacation spot was like a Greek island. Across from the island on one side you saw a Greek-like cliff town, with the Greek flag flying (maybe they colonized this planet or part of it, who knows).
There were so many moons, constantly rising and setting. It was here when I reallized we were on Jupiter, because Jupiter has 16 moons. Some were larger than others, some stayed in the horizon longer than others. Below would be the view from the beach on the other side of the island, with multiple moons in the sky at the same time.
Something I found strange was that there was ice under the sand, but it was a good feeling because the while the sun was warm, the sand was kind of cool, and the ice beneath didn't melt. You could only find the ice when you would dig, about 6" down. We also got lucky enough one night to catch a glimpse of Saturn. The picture below shows what Saturn had looked like, and the slick ice beneath the sand.
Come sunset it was still warm, and this is when you got the best view of the moons rising and setting, when the sky was a red/pink color. Yes, it was only a dream, but it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen, and I tried google searching and finding the perfect pictures that showed almost exactly what it looked like in my dream, and all pictures above and below do just that, portray it almost exactly as I saw it.
Song of the Day
Title: Sunny and 75
Artist: Joe Nichols
I know this song is better suited for fall or winter when it actually gets cold, but after this weekend of grey clouds and rain when I planned to be on the beach I think this is an appropriate song for today. If for no other reason because it's Monday.
Quote of the Day
"Pessimism comes from the temperament, optimism from the will"
-Alain, French Philosopher
This quote makes you think a little. Naturally I am a very optimistic person, maybe because I am very strong willed? However sometimes when I am having that bad day or feeling down I can be pessimistic, and I guess that would be coming from my temperament at the time. I have been told that my ideas can be unrealistic, and that I am too optimistic about them. But nothing is impossible and I try my best to make those things happen and prove people wrong.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Once Upon a Time 1x04: The Price of Gold
So this episode's backstory focuses on Cinderalla (which is one of the very few times we see her the entire series). I love how they changed up her story, and basically here the start to integrate Rumplestiltskin and his deal making into all these classic stories to change them up. What they did here was made him the one to send her to the ball, but for a price. This is where one of the series signature lines comes in "All magic, comes with a price"
Cinderalla makes it to the ball and Snow and Charming are guests at her wedding. There is a scene during the wedding where Snow and Cinderella talk during a quick dance. This is what I love about the show, putting two characters, in this case princesses together, having dialogue together that maybe would not have.
It was here at the ball where Rumple shows up and reveals his 'price' for the deal they had made prior, where she said she would give him anything. He reveals he wants her first born child. Cinderella, Snow, and Charming manage to entrap Rumple using a quill with squid ink, and this is how he gets to his prison. But because Cinderella had already made the deal with Rumple, and he didn't get the baby because she tricked him, there was still a price to pay, he husband Prince Thomas went missing. This deal carried over even after the curse was cast into our world, that she wouldn't see Thomas again until his deal was met.
This is where Emma meets Ashley Boyd (Cinderella), who is trying to run away with her baby while pregnant because she made a deal with Mr. Gold that he would have her baby. Why he wants the baby? I don't know, probably to take the thing people care about the most, this will also become a little more clear in a later episode when we see Rumple's backstory. This is where Emma tells Ashley she doesn't have to give up the baby and can do what she want. This is also where my favorite quote of the entire series is spoken.
Quote of the Episode: Emma Swan: "People are going to tell you who you are your whole life. You just got to punch back and say 'No this is who I am'. You want people to look at you differently? Make them. You want to change things? You're going to have to go out there and change them yourself, because there are no fairy godmothers in this world."
Emma finds Ashley and sets everything straight with Mr. Gold. What he does, is let Ashley keep the baby, if Emma makes a deal with him. The deal was that she owes her a favor, and he holds onto this deal well into the second season.
Meanwhile, Regina finds Emma in Granny's diner and tells her she knows Emma has been spending time with Henry, and that she isn't worried because she did some digging and realized Emma doesn't stay too long in one place, and she says "in order for something to grow it needs roots, and you don't have any". So slowly the rivalry between Emma and Regina continues to grow. The episode finishes with Regina leaving a 'city council meeting' from a hotel bedroom with Sheriff Graham, shortly after he appoints Emma as town deputy.
What I think they should have done, was either made Cinderella basically be Abigail/Kathryn, or have switched actresses if the one who played Abigail/Kathryn was more available if that was the issue. Or even have had Cinderella be Kathryn, but they probably needed to use Midas and his daughter to give more to the Charming story. But regardless, would have liked to have see them do much more with Cinderella as she is such an iconic/classic character.
Song of the Day
Title: Rain is a Good Thing
Artist: Luke Bryan
So given I woke up to thunderstorms and rain today, decided to pick this song. Rain is always a good thing. First thing I think of is I don't have to water my garden haha. But always makes for a good time when playing sports outside or running. Rain is usually good as it means the humidity is going away and some cooler dryer weather is to follow. So back to the garden thing, rain makes potatoes and corn and all the things that, are not only great food, but make alcohol we like to drink, and drinking + rain = even more fun.. So yea, this is just a fun song about the most simple of things, something you only get in country music.
Quote of the Day
"Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday"
-Dale Carnegie, American self-help writer
Which makes yesterday the tomorrow you were worried about two days ago, and you made it through it. Everyone is always worried about what's going to happen tomorrow, and spend too much of 'today' worrying about it. Then you get there and it's just like 'what was I so worried about, that was nothing'. As easy as it is to say don't worry about these things and just live for today, sometimes you can't help it, but can not focus on it so much. I think I'm most guilty of that, often times not living in the moment and always looking to what's next whether it's tomorrow or next week or next year; a trip, a meal, an outing. As the quote says, everything you worry about or think about eventually becomes yesterday.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Song of the Day
Title: Hey Brother
Artist: Avicii
Woke up with this song in my head. It's a nice video, not what you would expect for this type of song; definitely threw me off. Expected something more upbeat and rave-y. I remember blasting this song as I would drive. Avicii is one of few house music artists that can be recognized by all.
Quote of the Day
"Lose as if you like it; win as if you were used to it"
-Tommy Hitchcock, American polo player
Plain and simple, the game is more fun when played with someone who isn't pompous about winning or sour about losing. Not saying it's not ok to celebrate, but don't shove it in the other team's or person's face. When you lose don't say they cheated or it was unfair; just accept it as a loss until next time - it's only a game.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Quote of the Day
"I do not believe this darkness will endure"
- Faramir, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
So I'll be honest here, I have never seen Lord of the Rings, but this quote was on my daily quote calendar (once in a while I will pull from this, actually a lot of time I pull from this). Darkness can't endure, it never does - because the story is not over until good wins. (I sound like Henry right now). In any movie there is always a part where the darkness is on top, but never wins. Darkness may win a battle or two, but will never win the war.
Even in Once Upon a Time, which is what this quote reminded me up, the darkness has had it's moments on top. Especially now (**spoiler**), with Emma, the savior, becoming the new Dark One.
Not gonna lie, when I saw this quote my mind went straight to that scene when Emma was consumed by darkness, and we all know going into Season 5, that it will not endure.
Song of the Day
Title: Let it Go
Artist: Timeflies Tuesday
So I love the original song, and was pumped when Timeflies did their mix of it. If you don't know Timeflies Tuesday, they got started by writing words on pieces of paper and just pulling them out of hats and freestyling, as seen in the above video. Check out some of their other stuff.
I loved this mix because it was all Disney references. this second video was made by a fan who lined up the scenes with the references in the song. Pretty cool.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Lessons to learn from our dogs
So, this was on the side of one of the boxes of treats that came in Cooper's BarkBox today. I read this and realized...I do most of these things and...I am just like a dog.
Lessons to learn from our dogs
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Take naps and stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not
If what you want lies buries, dig for it.
Thrive on attention and let people hug you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Quote of the Day
"The more one walks, the more hills one sees"
- Finnish Proverb
In life you encounter problems (hills). The older you get the more problems you see, some bigger than others. but you get past them and look back as if they were nothing, and are looking ahead to the next hill you have to get over.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Quote of the Day
"Fortune does not change men; it only unmasks them."
-Marie-Jeanne Roccoboni, 18th Century French Writer
You see this all the time in the movies. One person stumbles upon fortune and they begin to act differently. They can act pompous and like a jerk towards their true friends OR they remain the same and treat their friends and family to things. It is when they lose it and they are left with nothing, that they revert back and apologize. In the second case, there was nothing to unmask, because there was nothing to 'change'.
You always see people 'change' due to something. But really, it is them being unmasked because that part of their personality has always been buried in there somewhere, the fortune or event or whatever it is was the excuse that let them reveal that part of their personality.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Song of the Day
Title: Like I'm Gonna Lose You
Artist: Meghan Trainor featuring John Legend
Another great one from Meghan Trainor. At the current moment, if there is any song I want to be my wedding song, this is the one (if I have any say in the matter). I actually just read that Meghan Trainor cancelled the rest of her US tour due to vocal cord hemorrhage, and that she will be undergoing surgery. Hope all goes well for her so that she can keep producing great music as she has been.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Song of the Day
Title: Night Changes
Artist: One Direction
Currently this song is one of my top 2 favorite songs, the other is Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth and Meghan Trainor. So I'm surprised it took me so long to post this as a song of the day. The first time I heard this song I instantly loved it. Then I found out it was by One Direction...that didn't change how much I liked the song. A lot of times you write off a song because it is by a certain artist or group you don't usually go for. But when you hear a song first, it can change your mind on the band entirely. This is my go-to song for karaoke now. I did it one night at Franco's in Waltham, and my brother got a text from one of his friends who was there saying 'OMG your brother is doing karaoke to One Direction, I'm fan girling so hard right now!'. So while some may frown upon it, others embrace it, just as with everything in life. As my friend Stacy says - "You do You".
Quote of the Day
"Those moments, they stare back at you. You don't remember them, they remember you. Turn around, there they are, staring."
-Ani, True Detective
Given the second season of True Detective just ended this week, a topic I will have another post about. I figured it was appropriate to have a quote from the show. This one is very true. Sometime's you do something that you don't remember, but maybe someone else does, and that's one way these moments stare back at you. If it's not the other's who remember, it's these moments staring back at you in a way that it is because that particular moment played a hand in shaping who you are now.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Random Video of the Day
's'not funneee
Saw red ink covered paper towels in the trash today and I thought it looked like blood, and so I was reminded of this.
There's not much more to say about this one.
Dating: The Safari Zone
Dating : The Safari Zone
So if you played Pokemon growing up, you will completely understand this analogy. Getting a date is very much like trying to catch a Pokemon in the Safari Zone. You search and search for one that you actually want, then when you finally find it you have to be very careful about your approach. You can BAIT (compliment & chat up) your prospect, but do too much of this and they flee. You can throw a ROCK (flirt, make a {flirtatious} joke, or 'make a move'), but be careful of this one as they could get angry and flee. You have the SAFARI BALLs, which are your opportunities to pop the question of going out. Be careful with this as you don't want to ask too early on or too frequently because then they flee. In the game you have to execute the right combination of the above in order to succeed, or sometimes you just get very lucky. You always have the opportunity to RUN, but you only really want to do that when you come across a prospect that you aren't interested in.
So there you have it, the Safari Zone as a real life application. Now, if only I could heed my own advice...
Song of the Day
Title: Macarena
Artist: Los Del Rio
Song of the day because
- It was playing while I was at the gym was pretty awesome
and - Everybody loves the Macarena
And for anyone who ever wondered what the actual words are in the song, or what it even means, see the lyrics and translation below.
Dale a tu cuerpo alegrÃa Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa’ darle alegrÃa y cosas buenas
Dale a tu cuerpo alegrÃa Macarena
¡Eh,… Macarena! Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
Dale a tu cuerpo alegrÃa Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa’ darle alegrÃa y cosas buenas
Dale a tu cuerpo alegrÃa Macarena
¡Eh,… Macarena! Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
Macarena tiene un novio que se llama,
que se llama de apellido Vitorino,
y en la jura de bandera del muchacho
se la dió con dos amigos…Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
que se llama de apellido Vitorino,
y en la jura de bandera del muchacho
se la dió con dos amigos…Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
Macarena Macarena Macarena
que te gustan los veranos de Marbella
Macarena Macarena Macarena
que te gusta la movida guerrillera…Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
que te gustan los veranos de Marbella
Macarena Macarena Macarena
que te gusta la movida guerrillera…Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
Macarena sueña con el Corte Inglés
y se compra los modelos más modernos.
Le gustarÃa vivir en Nueva York
y ligar un novio nuevo…Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
y se compra los modelos más modernos.
Le gustarÃa vivir en Nueva York
y ligar un novio nuevo…Aaay!
(repetir una vez)
Give happiness to your body Macarena
'cause your body is for giving happiness and nice things to
Give happiness to your body Macarena
Heeey,... Macarena! Aaay!
(repeat once)
Macarena has a boyfriened who's called...
who's called the last name Vitorino,
and while he was taking his oath as a conscript
she was giving it to two friends ...Aaay!
(repeat once)
Macarena , Macarena , Macarena
you're popular the summers in Marbella
Macarena , Macarena , Macarena
you like the guerilla excesses ...Aaay!
(repeat once)
Macarena dreams of the English Tailor*
and buys the latest models
She would like living in New York
and seduce a new boyfriend... Aaay!
(repeat once)
Taken from
Caption That!
Time for another Caption That! Caption the above GIF in the comments section below.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Sigma Chi BLTW
What an appropriate topic for the 50th blog post.
This weekend I attended my fraternity's leadership training workshop as a facilitator. It was my 5th time attending since 2009, and it has been the most rewarding and one of the most memorable.- 2009 (UNC Chapel Hill)- Colony
- 2011 (UNC Chapel Hill)- Intern / Consuls
- 2012 (Purdue) - Alumni Track
- 2013 (Purdue) - Alumni - Facilitation Training
- 2014 (Ball State) - Facilitator - Theta Theta Chapter, University of Michigan / Consuls
- 2015 (Bowling Green State)- Facilitator - Kappa Chapter, Bucknell University / CrossRoads Training
2009 at Chapel Hill is where it all began when we were a colony (awaiting to be installed as an official Chapter of the fraternity). It was this experience that opened my eyes and my heart to this fraternity when I saw the magnitude of it all. I had realized Sigma Chi is not just our group at Bryant University, but so much more. It spans across the US and Canada. It was clear to see then that these guys were connected by a common bond.
In 2010 we were installed as a Chapter, but I could not attend that year as I was abroad for the summer. Part of my being away that summer was a Sigma Chi workshop called Horizons, an all expenses paid leadership workshop that takes the elite of the younger undergrads (you must be going into your sophomore or junior year) to Snowbird, Utah.. That was another experience that opened my eyes to how great this fraternity is. I grew so much during my experience at Horizons, and on top of that created bonds that have lasted since. Some of the guys in my small group I connect with on a bi weekly to monthly basis. Meanwhile other guys from other small groups I have the same bond with. One brother I didn't spend much time with there was up in Boston earlier this year, and he had contacted me before his trip from DC remembering I am from here, we met for drinks and went out, it is like no time had passed and we may as well have been from the same Chapter.
2011 BLTW was back at Chapel Hill in UNC, a familiar place for us. During this year, I was an intern at Sigma Chi headquarters over the summer, and saw all the inner workings of what goes into this workshop. The staff does not get enough credit for what they do. So while there aside from doing the intern duties, I was allowed to go to the Consul sessions during my free time as I was Consul (president) of my Chapter at the time. However, the most memorable part of this experience was walking down to 'He's Not Here' (one of the bars we would go to), and seeing brothers from my Chapter who had just graduated waiting there for us on the balcony of the bar. They had decided last minute to road trip down. Walking up to the bar and seeing them all waiting there is something I'll never forget.
2012 & 2013 at Purdue were also good experiences. These were the last years I'd get more enjoyment out of thee experience with undergraduate brothers from my own Chapter, as I had only just graduated so still had a strong connection with those who attended from Bryant. On top of that I connected with many brothers from Horizons during these years during the workshop. They are also the years that pulled me in to continue attending BLTW as an alumni, to facilitate.
Last year, 2014, at Ball State was my first year as a facilitator. I was there with a couple alumni brothers from my Chapter who were doing the same thing. During this time I facilitated the Theta Theta Chapter from University of Michigan, along with co-facilitated the Consuls division. In the Consul division you could see how diverse each Chapter really was, and as diverse as they were, some were dealing with the same issues. What I really enjoyed from this year that was different than prior years, was the pairing of a Chapter with a facilitator, something they only did with the colonies before. During this time, I was able to connect with the Chapter and help them arrive to their own solutions rather than give them the answers. It was one of the most rewarding experiences having them say 'thank you' and 'we appreciate everything you've done'.
This year at Bowling Green State was definitely one of the best and most rewarding experiences at BLTW. What's funny is I spent little to no time with brothers from my Chapter (as I am even further removed from school now), but I am beyond proud of them for upholding the Peterson Award for 5 consecutive years! What is so great about this experience is that over the years you continue to build relationships there, and when you go back it is great to reconnect, along with make new connections. I met a couple brothers and the 4 of us connected right away and were almost inseparable during our time there. One of them was the installed Consul from Bentley who I had worked with in prior years. After sessions we would meet up and go out with brothers I had connected with in years prior - even through undergrad. I felt while I was there that I was happier than I had been in a long time; I was just in an all around better mood. Not sure what exactly it was, but being around this group of people allows you to just be yourself and you get to get to know each other as people, as brothers. Something that I realized this year while I was there was that the alumni brothers that attend, that go back year after year - well, they're just like me. They care just as much about this fraternity and believe in it just as much as I do. Then it hit me that I will be seeing this group of guys, or guys very similar to myself each time I go back. The brothers that attend this workshop, yes most are undergrad; but many are alumni brothers (this year we had 244+) that range from 22 years old and just graduated to 75+ years old and still involved or even starting to get involved again. It's a great thing to see that you can connect with there guys no matter what your age, how long you have been involved, where you are from; because you are brothers all bounded by that similar experience and the same values.
What was different this year than last year, was because I signed on late, I was put in CrossRoads Facilitation Training. Now, I support this program 110%. It's not your typical drug and alcohol program where someone goes in speaks on the dangers of drugs and alcohol and 'oh this is bad don't do it' and leaves. This program gives the opportunity to have an open and honest discussion with the undergrads on these topics and more, rather than the way I see it - other programs are basically turning a blind eye the issue. Not only is it about drugs and alcohol other topics such as suicide, or sexual misconduct may be addressed. The latter is very important in today's day and age as no one really has any experience approaching this issue, while we've had these drug and alcohol programs rammed down our throats since high school. One of the key components of this program is not only you having open discussion with them, but teaching them how to have those difficult conversations with their brothers, a tool which they will carry throughout life.
While I wasn't in that training session I was working with an undergrad Chapter. This year I worked with the Kappa Chapter from Bucknell, and we really enjoyed our time together. They are going back to school feeling fulfilled and excited to introduce new ideas and things that we had talked about. I also ran into one of the brothers from University of Michigan that I worked with last year. He gave me feedback saying that he didn't realize till just now everything we had done, and that going back to school they were able to implement what they wanted because of an exercise that we did. I had asked him before that if the exercise helped, if they had liked it because I was contemplating doing it again with the Kappa group this year. He said it was the single most memorable and helpful thing that they did, and to definitely continue using it. So I did it this year again with my group and upon leaving. They said that one exercise on top of everything else will really help them when they get back to the Chapter to address problems, especially those that have to do with apathy. What the exercise was, was basically an icebreaker to having a potentially difficult conversation, or addressing even the smallest of problems. Upon leaving they said that they had thought Balfour was going to be boring because it is what they had heard from the other brothers in their Chapter. They told me that they enjoyed their time with me, learned a lot, honestly had a lot of fun while doing it - and that I, as their facilitator made their experience a very positive one, and that others can't wait to come back next summer. Hearing that on the last day is the most rewarding thing of the entire experience, and what makes me look forward to going back again next year; knowing that I am having some sort of an impact on these young brothers.
![]() |
UNC 2011 |
Purdue |
Last year, 2014, at Ball State was my first year as a facilitator. I was there with a couple alumni brothers from my Chapter who were doing the same thing. During this time I facilitated the Theta Theta Chapter from University of Michigan, along with co-facilitated the Consuls division. In the Consul division you could see how diverse each Chapter really was, and as diverse as they were, some were dealing with the same issues. What I really enjoyed from this year that was different than prior years, was the pairing of a Chapter with a facilitator, something they only did with the colonies before. During this time, I was able to connect with the Chapter and help them arrive to their own solutions rather than give them the answers. It was one of the most rewarding experiences having them say 'thank you' and 'we appreciate everything you've done'.
This year at Bowling Green State was definitely one of the best and most rewarding experiences at BLTW. What's funny is I spent little to no time with brothers from my Chapter (as I am even further removed from school now), but I am beyond proud of them for upholding the Peterson Award for 5 consecutive years! What is so great about this experience is that over the years you continue to build relationships there, and when you go back it is great to reconnect, along with make new connections. I met a couple brothers and the 4 of us connected right away and were almost inseparable during our time there. One of them was the installed Consul from Bentley who I had worked with in prior years. After sessions we would meet up and go out with brothers I had connected with in years prior - even through undergrad. I felt while I was there that I was happier than I had been in a long time; I was just in an all around better mood. Not sure what exactly it was, but being around this group of people allows you to just be yourself and you get to get to know each other as people, as brothers. Something that I realized this year while I was there was that the alumni brothers that attend, that go back year after year - well, they're just like me. They care just as much about this fraternity and believe in it just as much as I do. Then it hit me that I will be seeing this group of guys, or guys very similar to myself each time I go back. The brothers that attend this workshop, yes most are undergrad; but many are alumni brothers (this year we had 244+) that range from 22 years old and just graduated to 75+ years old and still involved or even starting to get involved again. It's a great thing to see that you can connect with there guys no matter what your age, how long you have been involved, where you are from; because you are brothers all bounded by that similar experience and the same values.
While I wasn't in that training session I was working with an undergrad Chapter. This year I worked with the Kappa Chapter from Bucknell, and we really enjoyed our time together. They are going back to school feeling fulfilled and excited to introduce new ideas and things that we had talked about. I also ran into one of the brothers from University of Michigan that I worked with last year. He gave me feedback saying that he didn't realize till just now everything we had done, and that going back to school they were able to implement what they wanted because of an exercise that we did. I had asked him before that if the exercise helped, if they had liked it because I was contemplating doing it again with the Kappa group this year. He said it was the single most memorable and helpful thing that they did, and to definitely continue using it. So I did it this year again with my group and upon leaving. They said that one exercise on top of everything else will really help them when they get back to the Chapter to address problems, especially those that have to do with apathy. What the exercise was, was basically an icebreaker to having a potentially difficult conversation, or addressing even the smallest of problems. Upon leaving they said that they had thought Balfour was going to be boring because it is what they had heard from the other brothers in their Chapter. They told me that they enjoyed their time with me, learned a lot, honestly had a lot of fun while doing it - and that I, as their facilitator made their experience a very positive one, and that others can't wait to come back next summer. Hearing that on the last day is the most rewarding thing of the entire experience, and what makes me look forward to going back again next year; knowing that I am having some sort of an impact on these young brothers.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Song of the Day
Title: Because of You
Artist: Kelly Clarkson
I heard this song today and it made me think. Trust is a funny thing. A few lines in this song resonate with me.
"Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me but everyone around me
Because of you I am afraid"
All those 3 lines play off each other. However the one that hits hardest is the second one. I find it very hard to trust people. That lack of trust comes from things I've seen friends do, things I've seen family do, things I've seen strangers do, things I've read about, things I have experienced, and lastly and maybe most importantly - things that I have done that do not line up with my values. So when it comes time to trust someone I find it hard because I'd like to see the good in everyone and give a clean slate, but because I've done something like that; how can I believe the other person hasn't.
People have said I trust too easily, which probably contradicts everything I had just said. But like I said, I honestly do try to give a clean slate to everyone until I am proven wrong, and I am a very open person; however my lack of trust in others can hinder me when it comes to that...
Hope is what offsets all of this
Quote of the Day
"It is the quality of ones convictions that determines success, not the number of followers"
- Remus Lupin, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Song of the Day
Title: C'est La Vie
Artist: B*Witched
So today's song of the day is a major throwback; late 90''s, almost 20 years old throwback. It came up in the office today someone said 'C'est La Vie, what is that Spanish?' I said no, it's French, and does anyone remember that song? And started singing it haha.
I remember this song from when the first time I went to Australia in 1998, two of my female cousins who are a few years older I remember dancing and jumping up and down the bed singing to this and the Spice Girls.
How do we know it was 90's for sure? Well besides looking it up, just take a look at all the denim in the pic below.
Quote of the Day
"Don't listen to the cynics. They were wrong about my generation and they were wrong about yours."
- Joe Biden, US Vice President.
Thank you Mr. Biden. This topic comes up in the office ALL the time about how our generation is different from the past. From saying things like we don't have the same work ethic, to being an entitled generation, and liberal. We won't have the same work ethic as our grandparents, many of whom came off boats from other countries and had to make lives for themselves. Just like the generation in between doesn't have that same work ethic either. The norm for our generation is go to school, then college, then get a job, many of which are technology driven.
When you look at a generation younger than you, you're always going to criticize. The critics look forward at what is and not back at what they were, the generation before us was part of a hippie pothead, disco era generation and don't compare themselves then to us now. Just like in 25 years I'm sure we won't criticize based on how we were, but rather how we are. It's even visible in my fraternity's chapter at school, seeing new classes brought in with different mindsets and different ways of doing things, but still have the same morals/values that we do. In the end, so long as everyone is driven by good morals and values, they may do things differently than other generations, but everything turns out okay.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Once Upon a Deathly Hallow
Last night I caught a similarity between Once Upon a Time and Harry Potter that I noticed when I watched Deathly Hallows Part 2. It is Henry breaking the Authors Quill, and Harry breaking the Elder Wand; both for the same reason No one should have that much power
Check them out below and note how very similar they are.
Once Upon a Time - Henry
The Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Harry
Scene's and dialogue are almost exactly identical.
Quote of the Day
"Lose one friend,
Lose all friends,
Lose Yourself"
- Plays With Squirrels/Eric Matthews, Boy Meets World
I have always loved this quote from the first time I heard it on this episode. It is a simple reminder that friends play a very important role in your life. Every heard the saying 'tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are' or 'you are who your friends are'. There is so much truth to that. Luckily I have some damn good friends.
This quote in context of the episode is a reminder to not let the stupid little fights turn into stupid big fights.
Song of the Day
Title: Watch Me
Artist: Silento
I love this song. The first time I heard it was 4th of July this year, we were in my sister's boyfriends car, this song comes on I look up I see him, my sister, and his sister all doing this almost perfectly in sync. I was LOVING it. I was like why do I not know this?! Needless to say I picked it up pretty quickly (by the end of the song).
Friday, July 24, 2015
Random Video of the Day
HOKAY, SO..... everyone remembers this video from middle school/high school, I remember laughing about this in the hallways and before class started. The only way to watch this video then though, was online. This was classic. Before smartphones, and even before Youtube I think. I think the only place you could watch it was on Ebaums World, and you needed to have flash player installed on your computer to view it. Enjoy this blast from the past! - ZE END!
Song of the Day
Title: Gallery
Artist: Mario Vasquez
I woke up today with this song playing in my head. So random as I completely forgot about this song. Came out in 2006, not sure what made me think of it, but it's a good throwback.
Figured it'd be a good way to mix up the song of the day.
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